Maggie Mangold, MD
Maggie Mangold is a physician practicing rural Family Medicine in her hometown of Vinton, Iowa. She received her Medical Doctorate degree from the University of Iowa and completed residency at the Cedar Rapids Medical Education Foundation. Prior to that she received her Bachelors of Arts from Cornell College, majoring in Biochemistry. She is an active participant in local health boards and community volunteer projects and enjoys camping, reading, and entertaining.
She and her husband, Jeff are busy with their three boys — Hugh, Reid, and Theo. Reid was born in 2010 with a bathing trunk and scalp nevus and was later diagnosed with NCM. Nevus Outreach has been an important part of their journey since they connected with the organization hours after Reid’s birth. They have attended five Nevus Outreach conferences and feel this has been invaluable to both them and their children. Maggie is honored to get to serve and give back to Nevus Outreach.